CHIP’s vision is that every child will have equal access to health care and enter school ready to learn. In order to accomplish this,

We believe that:

Families have a right to live in a world free from fear, violence, and discrimination, and have unique experiences and needs that are important and valuable.

We know that:

Racial and economic disparity has life threatening consequences.

As a field dedicated to partnering with families, we are asking you to join us as we collectively lift our voices against the racial inequities and injustice that plague our country.

So, CHIP family let’s talk. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, racism. There have been three recent events of police brutality, but we know these events happen all the time all over this nation to unnamed individuals, and most often to Black and Latinx people. CHIP stands with you in saying no more! CHIP stands with you in dismantling systemic racism that affects every part of you and your children’s lives!  We only ask for patience as we learn strategies to be more culturally aware and check our blind spots for implicit biases. We see you, we hear you, and we are here to support you!

Today we make a commitment to lift our voices alongside those who have been silenced.

Link to an article about talking to children about racism and violence:

Understanding of your  Child’s Development and Experience of Race: